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Soon Pictures is a creative content incubator for brands and tech companies willing to transform their products and values into entertainment.

We help our clients build a culture around their business, boost their brand awareness, strengthen their audience connection, and maximize their monetization potential.

After many years of experience as an all-around advertisers and passionate creators, we made our way through the boiling tech and art scenes of Tel Aviv and NYC, wrapping the ultimate services that seem to be so demanded in the times in which a brand must be bigger than its actual product.
It's all about a good narrative.

Our Mission

We're dedicated to elevating the standard of brand communication by placing the audience's cultural enrichment at the forefront of our strategy. Furthermore, we're providing a rich platform for talented individuals who deserve to be recognized and rewarded for their art at its purest.



Yuval Peleg

Founder & Creative Director

  • Yuval Peleg Linkedin
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Dor Peleg

Biz Dev

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  Gal Herzog 

Legal Counsel 

Our Clients

Your brand is entertaining 

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